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Where the stories and people of the KCI community come together to learn, share, and connect

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August Newsletter

August 5, 2024

As the new academic year approaches, we are excited to continue our mission of supporting and empowering  K-12 educators. This August, we’re thrilled to share professional development opportunities to ignite…

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Statue

Celebrating the 2021 MLK National Day of Service

January 15, 2021

The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 18, 2021 is the one US national holiday that is designated as a national day of service for all Americans. Even during this global pandemic, there are opportunities to give back to your community and serve those in need.

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US Flags

Get Your Students Ready for the 2021 US Inauguration!

January 13, 2021

January 20th is right around the corner, and teachers have the opportunity to inform your students about the powerful tradition of officially welcoming a newly-elected US President to the office. See the KCI instructional team’s curated Choice Board for K-8 teachers to send home with their students to inspire curiosity and family conversations at this crucial moment in our national history.

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US Capitol Building

A Message From the KCI

January 11, 2021

Gay Krause, Executive Director, KCI shares a few thoughts regarding the recent events at the U.S. Capitol.

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Creating Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty

Creating Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty

December 22, 2020

COVID-19 provided a new challenge that has and will change the way we look at education moving forward. When change seems to be happening at a pace too rapid to catch up, many of us are fearful of what tomorrow, next week, or next fall will bring. To feel more grounded, consider these three lessons.

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Computer Science = More than Coding (diagram)

Computer Science is More Than Coding

December 22, 2020

Computer Science is a subject that has continued to gain traction because of the need for a highly skilled workforce that is competent in CS and computational thinking. In 2020, the subject has taken a backseat to distance/virtual learning and as a result, some of that momentum has been lost. This is where organizations like KCI can help fill that void.

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Holidays 2020

Thank you, educators! (Holiday 2020 Message)

December 10, 2020

Dear Educators,  We thank you. The year 2020 has been a challenging year for all K-12 and higher education educators.  Educators everywhere and at all levels are reaching the challenge…

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