Your support is crucial

Only 10% of our funding comes from the Foothill-De Anza District (primarily for facilities), with another 10% from state lottery funding—the remaining 80% comes from the generous donations of people like you.

80% Funded By Generous Donors Like You! 10% Foothill-DeAnza District 10% CA State Lottery Donors Like You!

Support The KCI Mission


Provides funding to support educators with In-person or virtual professional learning for a 20-person cohort


Supplies materials for 20 educators in STEAM, MERIT, Makerspace, or Online and Blended programs


Provides college continuing ed. units for a 20 person cohort for one KCI program


Provides supplies/materials for one educator in one of our state-certified programs


Provides 2 professional learning workshops for one educator


Provides one workshop for an educator

Giving Matters

Supporting teachers, inspiring future leaders, driving equity in education -- there are so many reasons to give to the KCI!

You make amazing things possible!

The generosity of our donors makes the work of staff, instructors, partners, and community members possible through educator scholarships, low-to-no cost professional learning, the growth and sustainability of the KCI Makerspace, as well as new program development in the areas of online and blended learning, STEAM, computer science, design thinking, equity and inclusion, and creativity in the classroom.

Together, these donations support educators who embrace innovation at the core of their instructional program and also empowers them to bring energy, passion, and creativity into their learning spaces -- ultimately impacting their students and the future of education.

You inspire tomorrow's leaders

To motivate, challenge, and inspire today’s diverse learners and future leaders, teachers need to be able to boost their curriculum with new teaching methodologies and technology-enhanced learning activities.

Your donations are leveraged

By partnering with school districts on their own professional development programs, we leverage the power of your donation. However, to maintain and expand we need to increase our funding base.

Your donation of any amount is gratefully appreciated.

Make a credit card donation on the Foothill Foundation secure donation page*, designating the Krause Center for Innovation. You will receive an immediate email confirmation of your donation, as well as a hard copy letter. Please contact us if your interest is in supporting one of our specific programs.

We also offer sponsorship packages to help you gain recognition as a champion of top-quality teacher training while promoting your brand to teachers throughout California.

In Summer 2023 alone, we reached over 2000 teachers.

What parts of KCI programs resonate most with you and truly impact your learners?

Rachel Clark

KCI Online & Blended IMPACT Program, KCI MERIT Program, and KCI Space Program Alumnus

Sandhya Raman

KCI Online & Blended IMPACT Program, KCI MERIT Program, KCI STEAM Leadership Program, and KCI Space Program Alumnus

Oni Tawiah Burroughs

KCI Online & Blended IMPACT Program Alumnus

"I will always be grateful for the way [the instructors] ran the program and respected us as professionals, individuals with personal lives, and learners. You made things so easy and manageable, while keeping things interesting and fun. I learned so much through this program and I have you to thank!"


75% of donors contributed $150 or more.

Please join them and make California's teachers more effective and inspiring.

Major Supporters

of the Krause Center for Innovation over time

  • Beljar Philanthropy
  • Connie and Bob Lurie Foundation
  • Cisco
  • CUE
  • Google
  • Hewlett Packard
  • House Family Foundation
  • Intrepid Philanthropy Foundation
  • Krause Foundation
  • Microsoft
  • Morgan Family Foundation
  • Neukermans Family Foundation
  • Noyce Foundation
  • Packard Foundation
  • Paisley Family Fund
  • PwC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers)
  • Redderre Foundation
  • San Jose State University
  • Santa Clara Office of Education
  • Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • Vadasz Family Foundation

Contact Gay Krause, KCI's Executive Director, to explore major gift opportunities: (650) 949-7113 or

Serving K-14 Educators Since 2000

Over 25,000 teachers have taken KCI courses and programs. It has built a reputation on intensive summer institutes for educators, as well as the courses it provides throughout the year. The KCI has consistently focused on building innovative courses and programs and on evaluating and improving its methodologies.

The KCI’s other key focus has been on partnering with education-oriented nonprofits and foundations to serve the educator segment. Based on this experience and success, the KCI is uniquely positioned to address many of the critical issues facing education and workforce development.