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August Newsletter

August 5, 2024

As the new academic year approaches, we are excited to continue our mission of supporting and empowering  K-12 educators. This August, we’re thrilled to share professional development opportunities to ignite innovation in your classrooms. Whether you’re looking to integrate cutting-edge technology, enhance your teaching strategies, or connect with fellow educators, KCI is here to support you every step of the way.

Innovative Digital Instruction Program

Applications are now open!
  • The Innovative Digital Instruction (IDI) Program is designed for current and pre-service K-14 educators, administrators, TOSAs, and trainers.
  • Participants who complete the program will earn 15 quarter units of continuing education over two Foothill College quarters and become California State Certified as an Online and Blended Instructor.
  • Early applicants who submit their application by Sunday, August 4, 2024, will be notified if accepted early. All other applications must be submitted by Sunday, September 8, 2024!
  • This program is 100% tuition-free for CA residents, thanks to the generous donations of our KCI community. NOTE: If accepted, you will need to pay a $75 registration fee to secure your place.
Apply Today!

Calling All EduPreneurs

We are excited to offer 2 free sessions to pilot this new workshop series. These sessions will provide valuable insights and practical tools for educators interested in exploring side gig opportunities. Join us for these interactive and informative sessions, and help u

s shape the future of this innovative series by providing your feedback through post-session surveys.

Find Your Why in Sid Gigging– Sept 18th (3:30-5:00 pm)


In this free introductory session, explore your motivations and uncover your passion for starting a side gig. Identify how your unique skills can create impactful and fulfilling business experiences through guided reflection and discussions. Connect your passion with your profession to earn additio

nal income, achieve greater job satisfaction, and develop innovative approaches.

Getting Started w/ Side Gigging, Mapping Your Path – Oct 2 (3:30 – 5:00 pm)

This session will introduce you to the world of side-gigging and offer practical advice on how to get started. You will learn about different types of side gigs that align with your educational background and interests and strategies for balancing side gigs with your teaching responsibilities. The session will cover essential steps such as identifying opportunities, marketing oneself, and managing time effectively. By the end of the session, you will have a clear roadmap to begin your side gig journey with confidence and purpose. Register HERE

Coming Soon!



  • Sept 8th | Applications for the Innovative Digital Instruction Program due | (? online)
  • Sept 13th | Teachers and Tacos @ SCCOE | (In-person | FREE |4:00 – 6:00 pm
  • Sept 18th | EduPreneurs Series – Find Your Why |  3:30 – 5:30pm  (? online)


Sign up to attend:

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