Innovation (i3)

Category of Impact:

EdTech Integration



KCI supported three Foothill College instructors to participate in the make/SHIFT conference in San Diego. Additionally, KCI will leverage the makerspace program to teach current Foothill instructors entrepreneurship topics to integrate into their curriculum.

The grant will allow Foothill College to infuse entrepreneurship and invention beyond specific departments. In particular, the college is focused on ensuring that first generation college students, immigrant students, undocumented students have acccess to these skills and networking opportunities that their peers typically have. Aside from learning how to set up businesses, students and faculty will meet with successful entrepreneurs of color to gain vital access to social capital networks. Foothill will be able to connect with entrepreneurs throughout the Valley who have similar backgrounds as the students who we are trying to affect. The department that this will be run out of is the LINC (Learning in New Media Classrooms) Department. LINC houses the Makerspace classes that will be instrumental to the success of the program. During participation, the students will go through the program, which not only teaches how to use the makerspace, but it also educates them on what a maker mindset is and how it can be applied to entrepreneurship. We will partner with the Family Engagement Institute on campus to determine the most effective curriculum for undocumented and underrepresented students. In addition, the Makerspace program will assist college faculty and staff understand innovative best practices in teaching and learning so that they can have a great reach in their classrooms.

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