Dustin Findley
Dustin has a lot to learn…Therefore, Dustin has a lot to teach. He is currently serving adults with different abilities at the Morgan Autism Center in San Jose. Dustin’s longest career has been in education; working the most in adult schools and career centers. A student learns in a classroom. A teacher is always learning.
Dustin is a living skills trainer. His educational experience includes teaching computer classes for adult education, working as a teacher’s assistant for students with special needs, and acting as an English tutor at a community college. Dustin has a vast wealth of professional experience using computers and technology, including video production, photography, and desktop publishing.
Dustin has more academic and extracurricular experience in multimedia, using 2D graphic design programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Dustin briefly explored expanding his horizons into the third dimension, learning about 3D modeling with programs like Blender and Tinkercad; and 3D printing with its various creative and technical components.
Dustin has a variety of creative interests, some of which he has participated in professionally. While he has much experience in more than one medium, he is always searching for opportunities to combine multiple media.
Instructional Levels
- Adult Ed
Speciality Content Areas