Efrain Tovar
Reedley, California
Efrain Tovar the E.L.D. Department Chair | 7th-8th Grade Newcomers/ELD II Teacher at Abraham Lincoln Middle School in Selma, CA. Efrain has 25 years in education ranging from elementary to university. Tovar is a frequent speaker at local, state, national, and international conferences, addressing how to utilize technology to meet the linguistic/digital needs of second language learners and their parents. He is the founder of @CAellchat, a global Professional Learning Social Network for teachers who teach second language learners, and the California Newcomer Network, connecting, equipping, and empowering CA’s passionate educational leaders who work with Newcomers. Efrain served as Vice-President on the Central Valley Computer Using Educators (@CVCUE) Board and is a Google for Education Certified Innovator and Trainer. You can follow him on Twitter @efraintovarjr.
Instructor Micro-Certifications
- Apple Teacher
- Book Creator Certification
- Edpuzzle Certification
- Google Educator
- Google Certified Innovator
- Google Certified Trainer
- Microsoft Certified Educator
- Raspberry Pi Certified Educator
- Screencastify Certification
Instructional Levels
- Elementary (3-5)
- Middle (6-8)
- High School (9-12)
- Teacher Ed
Speciality Content Areas
- Computer Science
- Design Thinking
- Tech Integration