San Ramon Unified School District
Kelly Hilton
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Livermore, California
Kelly Hilton (@kellyihilton) is the Instructional Technology Coordinator for the San Ramon Valley School District, the co-author of The HyperDoc Handbook, and the co-founder of HyperDocs, digital lesson design. With over 20 years of experience in education, Kelly has a Masters in Educational Leadership for Social Justice and has served as a classroom teacher, an instructional coach, and a site administrator. Kelly is passionate about creating equitable and inclusive learning experiences for students. Learn more at www.hyperdocs.co and www.kellyhilton.org
Instructor Micro-Certifications
- Google Educator
Instructional Levels
- Elementary (3-5)
- Middle (6-8)
- High School (9-12)
- Teacher Ed
- District/County Leadership
Speciality Content Areas
- Blended learning
- Coaching
- Gamification
- Leadership
- Tech Integration