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Where the stories and people of the KCI community come together to learn, share, and connect

Data Privacy 101

What Every Teacher Needs to Know About AI Tools & Data When I first heard about data privacy, it felt like an abstract concern. Like something for IT departments to handle. But as I’ve learned, it’s also up to teachers to protect our students in the digital age, especially with the rise of generative AI…


Data Privacy 101

What Every Teacher Needs to Know About AI Tools & Data When I first heard about data privacy, it felt like an abstract concern. Like something for IT departments to handle. But as I’ve learned, it’s also up to teachers to protect our students in the digital age, especially with the rise of generative AI…


A Beginner’s Guide to Using AI for Lesson Planning

The Sunday night scaries have crept in. You’re thinking about your stack of ungraded papers, unfinished lesson plan for tomorrow, and your to-do list is reminding you to buy snacks for tomorrow’s staff meeting. Besides turning on the Calm app to try and squeeze in some mindfulness (Free to CTA members, btw!), what if I…


5 Reasons Teachers Should Start Using AI (Right Now)

AI isn’t here to replace you. It is here to support you. Imagine if you had a co-teacher who worked tirelessly to help you plan and spark new ideas. (Shoutout to the best student-teacher I ever had – Gil Concepcion, you were so clutch in 2020!) That’s what AI can do for us as teachers….


Insights from the Silicon Valley AI Leadership Summit: Shaping the Future of AI in Education

The Krause Center for Innovation (KCI), in partnership with the AI Education Project (aiEDU) recently hosted a groundbreaking event, the Bay Area Summit on AI Education, marking a significant stride toward integrating artificial intelligence into educational paradigms. This full-day summit, held on February 2nd, 2024, at the Krause Center for Innovation at Foothill College, brought…

CA PORTS Program Brings California Parks Into the Classroom

CA PORTS Program Brings California Parks Into the Classroom

The CA PORTS (Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students) Program is an award-winning distance learning program that has served K-12 teachers, students, and education partners with live, interactive video-conference presentations from our California State Parks. The PORTS Program provides free, interactive, virtual field trips for K-12 students across the state of California. Per their…

Global Maker Day 2021

Global Maker Day 2021

Global Maker Day is a free global event that is all about the action. This event helps showcase all the wonderment that making is.

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Silver Linings with an LMS

Learn about one school district’s journey to adopt of new learning management system and implement it with the help of the Krause Center for Innovation instructional team.

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STEAM, Myself, and I: Get to Know Your STEAM Identity at KCI

Finding the intersection among the STEAM fields allows students to see the application of the major disciplines as well as recognize a variety of career pathways. This is why we are so excited to announce KCI’s new STEAM Leadership Program this summer!

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Inspire your colleagues by effectively sharing your innovative ideas

With ELLI, our goal is to allow educators with leadership potential who want to stay directly connected with the classroom experience to also launch projects with broader impact and inspire their community in powerful ways.

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Now Is the Time to Become the Teacher You’ve Wanted to Be

As teachers, we are not always comfortable venturing into the unknown, but this is the perfect opportunity to do just that! Teaching and learning cannot be done as they have been in our classrooms, so don’t expect it to look the same. Now is the time to try out some of those online tools or…