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How do you start planning for the classroom in 2021?
December 7, 2020
(Cue Star Wars song) In the year 2021, in a future not so distant from now, there is a new hope. The Dark Forces of the contagion, COVID-19, are retreating. The healthcare and other frontline workers have established a strong hold through vaccinations and mandatory mask-wearing. The skies seem bluer, and the air has a smell of orange blossoms and jasmine. Children and teachers alike feel an excitement that they haven’t felt in what feels like years. They will finally see each other, their colleagues, and friends in person once again. But they also know that things will be different and not as they once were. The schedules and procedures will feel different. Virtual and/or hybrid learning will continue. Social distancing and mask wearing will be the new normal until eradication of the disease is complete.
And the Krause Center for Innovation has created a Distance Learning Adventure Bootcamp eWorkbook Series to help educators, schools, and districts adapt to the future of learning. (Queue to a classroom with desks 6 feet apart, filled to half capacity).

In Part 1 of KCI’s Distance Learning Adventure Bootcamp eWorkbook Series, we explore the question: How can we prepare for the flexible future of K-12 education? We take you through the four suggested models of instructional scheduling as outlined by the California Department of Education and the thought process that one should take to adjust and thrive in the four scenarios. We acknowledge the Learner, Rock Bottom, the Hole, the Rope, and the Muscle, and we ask educators how they might “belay” their students to avoid falling through the cracks and hitting rock bottom as schools and live re-open.
The questions for each part of the problem are as follows:
- The Learner: Who are the individuals you can directly help right now?
- Rock Bottom: What problem must you and your team avoid at all costs for your learners?
- The Hole: What issue/s is/are in the way of learners’ success right now?
- The Rope: What solution is currently in place that can help your learners?
- The Muscle: What is one action you can take tomorrow to help your learners?

Our eWorkbook invites you to consider each of these questions as they relate to your current reality and future unknowns.
While there isn’t a magic button that the KCI can push to make everything go back to the way it once was, we can provide resources and inspriation to help you be as successful as you possibly can be given the circumstances.
You are heroes, educators.
George Lucas got one thing right about the future: a Jedi Master is TRULY a teacher.
Part 2 and 3 of the digital workbook series will explore strategies to socially and emotionally support students, teachers, and caregivers across distance and devices.