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September Innovation Monthly Newsletter

September 10, 2024

As the new school year gets underway, we’re inspired by the incredible dedication of educators like you. At KCI, we’re here to support and empower you throughout the year with professional development opportunities designed to spark innovation in your classrooms. Whether you’re eager to integrate the latest technology, refine your teaching strategies, or connect with fellow educators, KCI is ready to support you every step of the way. Let’s make this year extraordinary together!

In this newsletter:

  • Innovative Digital Instruction Program – FULL, please apply next year!
  • Teachers & Tacos Event
  • EduPreneurs Series – Pilot
  • Cybersecurity Series
  • Crafting Calm
  • Fall/Winter Workshops – Call for Presenters
  • Coming Soon

Happy Back to School,

Gay, Justin, Jen, Kas, Lisa, and Rachel

Krause Center for Innovation


Teachers and Tacos

Join Us!

Sign up to attend HERE.


Calling All EduPreneurs

We are excited to offer 2 free sessions to pilot this new workshop series. These sessions will provide valuable insights and practical tools for educators interested in exploring side gig opportunities. Join us for these interactive and informative sessions, and help us shape the future of this innovative series by providing your feedback through post-session surveys.

Find Your Why in Sid Gigging– Sept 18th (3:30-5:00 pm)

In this free introductory session, explore your motivations and uncover your passion for starting a side gig. Identify how your unique skills can create impactful and fulfilling business experiences through guided reflection and discussions. Connect your passion with your profession to earn additional income, achieve greater job satisfaction, and develop innovative approaches.

Getting Started w/ Side Gigging, Mapping Your Path – Oct 2 (3:30 – 5:00 pm)

This session will introduce you to the world of side-gigging and offer practical advice on how to get started. You will learn about different types of side gigs that align with your educational background and interests and strategies for balancing side gigs with your teaching responsibilities. The session will cover essential steps such as identifying opportunities, marketing oneself, and managing time effectively. By the end of the session, you will have a clear roadmap to begin your side gig journey with confidence and purpose.

Register HERE

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Bringing Cybersecurity into the Classroom!

Join us from 4 pm to 6 pm on Tuesday, October 22, and Tuesday, October 29 for two workshops focusing on cybersecurity and how it can be introduced to students across all grade levels! The information covered will include:

  • Tuesday, October 22: Data Breaches, Phishing, Passwords, Online safety, Swatting, Insider Threats
  • Tuesday, October 29: Open-source intelligence and AI, ethical hacking, The Darkweb, Firewalls and Networking
*This workshop is sponsored by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research ONR award number
Crafting Calm

Season 2 of Crafting Calm!

Relax and Craft Some Calm w/ Us

Each month, typically on the second Tuesday, we offer a time to drop in and craft in our makerspace. We will have a designated craft and time to relax and connect with other educators.

Tentative Schedule:

  • October 8 Sublimation Zentangle pencil cases
  • November 12 Upcycled Dog/cat toys
  • January 14 Intention journals
  • February 11 Shrinky dink
  • March 11 TerrariumsApril 8DIY Buttons
  • May 13 Paper flowers
  • June 10 Friendship bracelets

Location: KCI, Foothill College Campus

Time: 4:30-6:30 pm

Register for our October 8th event HERE and our November 12th event HERE.


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Call for 2024-2025 KCI Fall/Winter Workshops

We are looking to offer several workshops in the Fall and Winter that will align with KCI’s three major initiatives:

  1. Artificial Intelligence and its use in the education field
  2. Makerspace best practices and using adaptive technology in the makerspace
  3. Innovative teaching practices focusing on educational technology

Have a great idea for a workshop?Apply today!


The deadline for the all-call is Sunday, September 22.

Coming Soon!


  • Sept 13th | Teachers and Tacos @ SCCOE | FREE |4:00 – 6:00 pm | In-person
  • Sept 18th | EduPreneurs Series – Find Your Why | FREE Pilot | 3:30 – 5:30pm | ? online
  • Sept – KCI will share its AI Strategy – stay tuned!



  • Nov 12th | Crafting Calm  | 4:30-6:30| FREE | In-person @ KCI


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