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20 Years of KCI, A Celebration!
February 9, 2021

As we look ahead at KCI’s future in 2021 and beyond, we have an opportunity to pause and look back at where we have been and come from. In doing so, we have decided to take this opportunity to make the entire year a celebration of 20 years of impact! Each month we will focus on different impact themes that highlight KCI over the years.
Since our founding in 2000, over 22,000 educators have taken KCI courses and programs. Pause for a moment and consider how many students have been impacted by these amazing educators – nearly 2.2 million students. At the KCI we have worked hard to build engaging, intensive summer institutes, courses, and 3 new state certifications. Our goal is to consistently focus on building innovative programs and courses that meet the needs of our educators and the community they serve.
Another key focus has been on partnering with education-oriented nonprofits and foundations to serve the educator segment. Based on this experience and success, the KCI is uniquely positioned to address many of the critical issues facing education and workforce development.
Join us each month as we celebrate the collaborative efforts of the KCI community and the impact of the programs and services. As we plan for new programs we invite you to provide input into the needs you see in our education community. Please take a look at our current offerings and consider filling out our survey. Your feedback is important and essential to our growth and service!
Gay Krause
Founder & Executive Director