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CUE to You!
March 29, 2023
Highlights, resources, and more from Spring CUE 2023
This year’s CUE Spring Conference was truly an inspiring experience, and if you haven’t attended it before, it is one of the best conferences in California and beyond for educators. The conference focuses on the latest ideas in teaching and learning and innovative educational technology for schools. Each spring, the conference is held in the beautiful Palm Springs convention center.
The Krause Center for Innovation team had the opportunity to attend, present, and meet with educators during the event. There were many sessions, keynotes, and networking events, so many were impossible to attend. The conference focused on AR/VR, equity & accessibility, identity, wellness, eSports, and more. It is exciting to see how educators can connect, learn and share thoughtful technology integrations.

We brought some of our MakerSpace with us, allowing visitors to our table the opportunity to make a luggage tag using pens, stickers, templates, and a laminator. There are so many ways these tags could be used in the classroom, helping to integrate that “maker” mindset into the curriculum.
CUE Presentations

Sandhya Raman | KCI Instructor | @sandyraman | Teacher | Department Co-Lead
Session: Digitizing Conversations in a Mathematics Classroom -Tools & Tips
Overview: Sandhya showcased digital resources, tech tools, and tips to digitize mathematical conversations using the design thinking framework meaningfully. The session highlighted the look and sound of conversations and combined this with a mathematical learning perspective.

Ed Campos | KCI Instrutor | @edcampOSjr | Education Consultant
Session: STEAM, Myself and I: Investigating Our STEAM Identities
Overview: Ed and Cristina (see bio below) presented the understanding of our identities and those of our students so that we can provide an equitable education, especially in STEAM subjects. Interactive strategies were provided to participants.

Cristina Bustamante | KCI Instructor | @Cbustamante2222 | Educator & Coach
Session: STEAM, Myself and I: Investigating Our STEAM Identities
Overview: See above.

Jennifer Young Akimo | KCI Instructor | @msyoung428 | Educator
Session: Cultivating Genius focusing on using Picture Books as Mentor Texts
Overview: Jennifer’s session focused on using picture books as mentor texts to incorporate a social justice lens. She shared social justice standards to find texts that support these standards.

Sawsan Jaber | KCI Instructor | Tech Leader | Consultant
Session: The Architecture of Equity in English Classes: Learn, Link, and Lead for Social Change
Overview: This session focused on modifying the curriculum to get students to learn about their own identities by integrating identity, positionally, and privilege. The goal was to get students to become scholar-activists.
Spring/Summer Grant-Funded PD
Need units, want to keep the learning going? Check out our Spring/Summer professional development season is here. Be sure to check out the KCI programs and workshops. These are grant-funded, and many include units! Check out the Spring/Summer catalog HERE.

Highlights from CUE 2023
ChatGPT: The big focus of the conference was AI/AR and ChatGPT. Check out the following resources:
- Brent Warner’s (@BrentGWarner) ChatGPT in the Classroom slide show and Padlet. This is a great resource for ideas to incorporate into your classroom.
Wellness & Mindfulness: This year, CUE provided wellness and mindfulness for participants with a Zen Den, Mindfulness walk, and morning hike. The Zen Den, a wellness playground and outdoor oasis, featured everything needed to relax and unwind. A wonderful addition to a sometimes hectic conference. Check it out!
Click HERE to see the full video.
State Parks Portal: Have you seen the CA States Park Portal? So many excellent resources to bring your classroom to life!
Conference Infographic: Find meaningful tips and tools shared.

Infographic shared by Vasquez, Kristina | @KristinaVsqz
Click HERE to access the interactive infographic.