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Let’s Celebrate Ed Campos and his “Stories with Style” Project

March 31, 2022

“Where are the dopamine hits in your classroom?” is a quote by Zaretta Hammond that Ed referenced in a recent presentation at the CISC Conference in Monterey, CA when he discussed theHip Hop pedagogy collaboration with the Kings County Juvenile Court System and the Kings County Office of Education. Whenever Ed walks into a room, it becomes abuzz with excitement, curiosity, and laughter. He is the definition of “the man, the myth, the legend,” and we are honored to have him as an instructor and friend of the Krause Center for Innovation.

Ed has worked with KCI since 2014 when he instructed the Faculty Academy for Mathematics Education (FAME) with Cristina Bustamante. Since then, he has provided workshops on social and emotional learning, computer science, and best practices with English Language Development students. He is also our current Assistant Director of the STEAM Leadership Program where he and Cristina provide instruction on how to integrate STEAM into all curriculum through a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens. It’s a one-of-a-kind program in the State of California, and their expertise has proven to be invaluable.

While working in the Central Valley, he has been part of several innovative initiatives; however, his most recent is one of the most inspiring and important projects that his current position, with Kings County Office of Education, has undertaken. Along with his colleague, Elizabeth Norris, a fellow consultant at the Kings County Office of Education & part time principal of J.C.Montgomery, a school housed in the Kings County Juvenile Detention Center. The project is called “Stories with Style” where Ed and Elizabeth brought in hip hop artists, music producers, and other guest speakers to work with the students to help them express their thoughts and feelings through art. This year, two of their students were selected for a prestigious music award because of this video.

Note: Ed Campos is the 2022 recipient of the CUE Platinum Disc Award, which is given to CUE members who provide significant ongoing contributions to the advancement of technology in education and an outstanding career-long commitment to CUE, its affiliates, and its mission.

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