
Gay Krause

Executive Director, Gay Krause, founded the KCI in July 1998. Gay was responsible for developing and implementing the initial vision to serve K-14 educators in professional development activities. She also led the effort to restore the former Space Science Museum into a fully equipped technology facility to serve K-14 educators, Foothill students, and the community. The KCI is available for professional development activities 24/7 both in-house and on-line throughout the state of California.

Prior to July 1998, Gay was a principal of both elementary and middle schools in the Mountain View Whisman School District. Gay served as teacher, middle school counselor, assistant principal and principal for 10 years. Gay received her B.S. degree from The Pennsylvania State University in education and special education, her M.S. degree from the University of Virginia in counseling psychology, and a credential in administrative leadership from San Jose State University and San Francisco University.

Author's Posts

  • A Message From the KCI
    A Message From the KCI
    Gay Krause, Executive Director, KCI shares a few thoughts regarding the recent events at the U.S. Capitol.
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  • Creating Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty
    Creating Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty
    COVID-19 provided a new challenge that has and will change the way we look at education moving forward. When change seems to be happening at a pace too rapid to catch up, many of us are fearful of what tomorrow, next week, or next fall will bring. To feel more grounded, consider these three lessons.
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  • Thank you, educators! (Holiday 2020 Message)
    Thank you, educators! (Holiday 2020 Message)
    Dear Educators,  We thank you. The year 2020 has been a challenging year for all K-12 and higher education educators.  Educators everywhere and at all levels are reaching the challenge to work with students and their families:  you were needed this year more than ever. We at the Krause Center for Innovation hope you will…
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  • A Message from Gay Krause
    A Message from Gay Krause
    I hope that each of you and your families are staying safe and healthy. The Krause Center for Innovation on the Foothill Campus is closed, but our staff is working from home offices connected through technology and providing our classes online and initiating amended methods to continue our work. Like you, we read the countless…
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  • Spring 2019 Message from the Executive Director
    Spring 2019 Message from the Executive Director
    KCI continues to provide exceptional professional learning programs for educators in Silicon Valley, as well as other communities in California and Hawaii. A highly motivated, well-trained teacher will positively impact upwards of 3,000 students throughout his or her career. We are planning for another busy summer and fall, and anticipate conducting all of our major…
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